Rima Karaliene, a rower and writer from Lithuania, presents her dramatic novels
München – 23. Juni 2023. Rima Karaliene, a rower and writer from Lithuania, presents her dramatic novels based on real events, which will bring many rowers of the 60s back to the memories of their youth.
For future rowers and their friends, Rima has prepared not only fun colouring books, but also a unique limited edition board game.
Rima Karaliene is a former rower, a pair of rowers’ daughter, a rower’s wife, and the mother of a family of rowers. She herself was born into a family of rowers at a time when her father was preparing for his first race at the Tokyo Olympics in 1964. Rowing became her way of life. Researching stories about rowing has become her greatest passion.
Rima Karaliene is the author of the books Rowing Through The Barbed Wire Fence (2017), Rowing To Niagara Falls (2021) and Tokyo 1964 Through The Viewfinder Of An Athlete From Behind The Iron Curtain (2021). The books are available in Lithuanian, English and partly also in German.